Breakfast with Dean Winter MP – Mar 26

Join us for our breakfast networking session with State Opposition Leader Dean Winter on Wednesday the 26th of March.

Dean entered politics as a councillor in Kingborough, where he was raised and educated, and where he lives with his young family. Before he entered politics, Dean worked at the Department of Treasury and Finance and in private industry. In 2018, at the age of 33, he was elected the youngest mayor in Kingborough’s history, and he entered Parliament as Member for Franklin in 2021. Dean currently serves as Leader of the Opposition; Shadow Minister for Jobs, Workplace Relations & Safety; Shadow Minister for Trade & Major Investment; and Shadow Minister for Tourism & Hospitality. He has found being able to step up into public life and help shape his community a great honour. As a father of two children, Dean is passionate about education and ensuring future generations can make the most of opportunities in our beautiful state.

For tickets and more information, click here.