Our Event Schedule

Wednesday, March 26

Breakfast with Dean Winter MP

Breakfast networking session with State Opposition Leader, Dean Winter, at the Beach Hotel.

Tuesday, April 8

TasTAFE & Business Northwest networking event

Come along and connect with other industry representatives, and find out what’s been happening at TasTAFE and what’s planned for the year ahead.

Wednesday, April 9

Breakfast with Senator Anne Urquhart

Breakfast networking session with Braddon candidate Senator Anne Urquhart at the Beach Hotel.

Wednesday, April 23

Breakfast with Mal Hingston

Breakfast networking session with Braddon candidate Mal Hingston at the Beach Hotel.

Tuesday, April 29

Cabinet Cocktail Party 2025 Burnie

The TCCI, & Business Northwest are pleased to invite you to join us for a Cabinet Cocktail Event. This is an exclusive and informal opportunity to mix and mingle with members of Cabinet and other key stakeholders.

Wednesday, May 7

Breakfast with John Klug

Breakfast networking session with APM Manager John Klug at the Beach Hotel.

Wednesday, May 21

Breakfast with nbn co

Breakfast networking session with nbn co at the Beach Hotel.