Part of our reinvigoration of Burnie is a plan to encourage local entrepreneurs, makers and artisans to take up 30 day rolling licenses to occupy empty shops in the Burnie CBD. Inspired by Renew Australia’s numerous retail reinvigoration projects across Australia, Business Northwest, supported by The Burnie City Council have partnered with Renew Australia to create Renew Burnie.
This program will allow emerging artisans, makers, businesses with innovative ideas to move from the dining room table into a shop front with high visibility within the Burnie CBD. The added bonus is the expertise that Business Northwest has across a range of industries, will be available for free, to support emerging business entrepreneurs realise their potential. The spaces will also provide an opportunity for collaboration across artisanal skills and experience. And a place to forge new connections and customers.

Expressions of interest are open now. Connect with us on our Burnie 2.0 Facebook page to keep up to date with the latest information about this exciting program.
Not sure if you’re ready for this program? Download and have a read of the Are You Ready check list and FAQ sheets.
Ian at the co working hub Happy shoppers! Medal mounting Launch of Enterprise Co-Working Hub Cynthia Hawkins-
“Set me Free”Black Space Creative Veteran’s Wellness Hub Libby Wilkinson’s – Genius Junk Fowler Jars Copperado Art

Business Northwest uses one of the empty shop spaces as our HQ, where we plot and plan our programs, chat with local business folks, members of the community, local, state and federal members of parliament, local artists and we eat a fair few donuts and coffee to keep the creative juices flowing!
Alison in BNW HQ working with some local makers to exhibit in BNW HQ Ian at new BNW HQ shop 2 digs
If you are landlord with an empty shop space, get in touch! By having someone and something happening in your space, you are more likely to be able to paint a better picture to prospective tenants of the possibilities of the space- and you will get some money coming in to cover your outgoings, and you will be giving a local person an opportunity to get their business or enterprise off the ground. What’s not to love?
Contact us via email for more information